rather than が比べるもの

bullet262   比較の回答

■rather than が比べるもの



It is said that the Japanese prefer to use the logic patterns that emphasize talking “around” the subject rather than on it. The Japanese start at the edges with a wealth of background information and explanations and then gradually “circle in” on the thesis and main points.

第1文の “rather than” の解釈をめぐってお尋ねいたします。

この “rather than” は
talking “around” the subject と (talking) on it(=the subject) を比較した上で、「前者の方をより後者よりも重視する論理パターン…」というふうに ”emphasize ~ rather than…” の構造になっている。

“prefer to do 動詞句(A)…rather than 動詞句(B)” で「BするよりもAすることをより好む」という構造の “rather than” であり、上の文では ”on it” の前に本来あるべき部分(“to use the logic patterns that emphasize talking” )が省略されたものである。


手元の電子辞書で ”emphasize” & “rather” & “than” で例文検索をかけると以下の例文を含めて4件ヒットしました。
・ a system that emphasized practical rather than pure research
(_Oxford Thesaurus of English _, 2nd ed. 2004より)
このように ”emphasize ~ rather than…” というつながりが自然な感じがします。




Shin さん,

> (解釈1)
> talking “around” the subject と (talking) on it(=the subject)
> を比較した上で、「前者の方をより後者よりも重視する論理パター
> ン…」というふうに ”emphasize ~ rather than…” の構造になっ
> ている。

言い換えると,the Japanese 以下のエッセンスは,

1) the Japanese prefer to use “A”.

“A” = the logic patterns that emphasize talking “around” the subject rather than on it)


> (解釈2)
> “prefer to do 動詞句(A)…rather than 動詞句(B)” で「Bするよ
> りもAすることをより好む」という構造の “rather than” であ
> り、上の文では ”on it” の前に本来あるべき部分(“to use the
> logic patterns that emphasize talking” )が省略されたもので
> ある。


2) the Japanese prefer to use “B” rather than (to use) “C”.

 ”B” = the logic patterns that emphasize talking … around …
 ”C” = the logic patterns that emphasize talking … on …)


こうしてみると,両者の違いは,1) の英文が “Do the Japanese prefer to use …?” という yes-no 疑問文に対応しているのに対し,2) は “Which do the Japanese prefer to use, “A” or “B”?” という which 疑問文に対応していることだとわかります。

つまり,1) は prefer が rather than をともなわないことから,「選択」の意味が薄れ,単に好みや傾向を表現するにとどまっているのに対し,2) は「選択」の意味がはっきりしているということです。




> (解釈2)では、あまりにも省略されているとされる部分が長すぎて不
> 自然に感じます。

は確かにその通りだと思います。これをもって(解釈2)を誤りとは言えないでしょうが,prefer と rather than はちょっと離れすぎていて,emphasize + rather than のつながりのほうが自然な感じがします。





Differences in cultural values, logic, and thought patterns are often reflected in the very different ways Americans and Japanese organize and present information, ideas, and opinions. These differences lie at the root of many communication problems and exert a powerful influence on the process of persuasion, negotiation and conflict resolution.

The rules of logic established by the Greeks and Romans are widely accepted in Western cultures, but this Western logic is by no means universal. Logic is a product of culture, and many Asian cultures such as the Japanese operate under different logical assumptions.

When Americans get confused and frustrated listening to Japanese, they often complain that the Japanese “just aren’t logical” and seem incapable or unwilling to use traditional Western logic. This impression is largely due to cultural differences in reasoning and thought patterns.

From an early age, Americans are taught to be orderly in outlining their facts and in summarizing their main points according to a framework that reflects Western logical structures. The logical way of presenting ideas in the West could be called linear or “straight-line” logic, which emphasizes direct and explicit communication. The most important aspects of straight-line logic are organizing your presentation in outline form and “getting straight to the point.” In general, more low-context mainstream American patterns of thought and presentation are analogous to lines because all parts of the message must be explicitly connected clearly and directly.

But the Japanese do not learn to order their facts or present information and ideas in the same way. They consider the practice of ordering facts for others comparable to tying a child’s shoelaces for him after the child has already learned the skill. American linear, one-step-at-a-time arguments and logic can seem immature to the Japanese, and Western logic is often perceived as intrusive ― an attempt to get inside the heads of other people and try to do their thinking for them.

But if Americans think in a linear way, then how do Japanese think? A natural response would be that since the circle is the opposite of a line, then the Japanese probably think in circles. It is said that the more high-context Japanese prefer to use the logic patterns that emphasize talking “around” the subject rather than on it. The Japanese start at the edges with a wealth of background information and explanations and then gradually “circle in” on the thesis and main points.

However, in some respects, Japanese patterns of thought and presentation are not like lines at all, but like a series of “dots.” Parts of the message are contained in the individual dots, and it is up to the audience to link the dots in their heads. In low-context cultures the meaning of communication is stated to the audience directly and all the steps and links are clearly put forth by the speaker verbally. But in high-context cultures the meaning of communication is elicited by the audience indirectly and intuitively ― all the steps and links do not have to be clearly put forth verbally.


No.2387 を読ませていただきました。





アメリカ人がアメリカ的(西洋的)な思考様式を当然のこととして受け継いできた(From an early age, Americans are taught to …)ように,日本人も独特の思考様式をはぐくんできた。そういう意味での「文化の産物」と著者は認識している。このような流れにおいて,「二者択一」は考えにくい。

よって,私の読み・意見としては,「選択」の意味が薄れた(解釈1:emphasize + rather than)を,文脈からしてふさわしいという意味で,正解として推したいと思います。





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